





  • Discord is Hiring for lots of positions. We conveniently listed them all on this web page.
  • Emoji Reactions let you add an emoji to your friends’ messages for better emotional conveyance.Click the little smiley face on the end of a message to add one.
  • Create Polls sort of… by using emoji reactions to ask a question and have people vote. Poop or airplane? What will it be?
  • More APIs for Bots to take advantage of reactions. For example, you could create a giveaway bot that uses reactions for people to enter. :gift:
  • Speed boosted all requests to our servers by 2x. Load a text channel and scroll through history to witness the speed. Like this guy.
  • Upgraded the way we roll out new code on our back-end so things are less likely to catch on fire.
  • [iOS] You can now upload photos from any album on your phone, including such classics as Pictures of Ian Sleeping, My Trip to Denny’s, and that entire album of Shiba Inu photos you have.
  • [iOS] You can now ban people and wipe their message history. Sweep that baggage under the rug.




設定画面を開いて「テキスト・画像」の絵文字にある「show emoji reactions on messages.」のチェックを外せばOKです。